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Donations are being accepted to purchase Easter hams for families served by the pantry.
To make a donation,
send a check marked "Easter Hams" or contribute online.

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People Serving

About Our

The Bread of Life Food Pantry seeks to bring a measure of love and peace through sharing food and other resources with those who are in need. We see in our neighbors the face of God and act with resolve to ensure their basic needs are met.

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By the Numbers

In 2024, the Bread of Life Food Pantry served numerous individuals and families facing food insecurity in Etna Borough and Shaler Township. By providing food and basic necessities to those most in need as well as senior boxes to individuals 60 years of age and older, our pantry continues to serve as a critical community resource.

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Shoppers served by pantry staff and volunteers


Families provided with food and basic necessities 


Boxes distributed to limited-income seniors

Get Involved.
We Need You.

There are many ways you can support the Bread of Life Food Pantry. Choose to give donations of food and other basic necessities, volunteer your time and talents, or donate monetarily to support the many needs of the pantry. 

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Come Shop at the Pantry

Calendar & Shopping Hours

The pantry maintains a calendar of events and shopping days/times for use by our clients and others from the communities we serve. We are open for client shopping the first three Wednesdays of each month.

Items We Offer

An individual or family shopper can expect to receive an estimated 65 pounds of food per shopping trip which includes a variety of food and basic need items. We also offer senior boxes to clients 60 years of age and older. 

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