Elfinwild Presbyterian Church held a winter "Fill the Truck" campaign and delivered collected goods to the Bread of Life Food Pantry on Sunday, December 3. The event couldn't have come at a better time as the pantry's stocks were critically low and pantry staff were expecting greater demand with the upcoming holidays.
Thanks to all the congregants who donated non-perishables and sorted, packed, and delivered the food to the pantry. It took volunteers almost three days to get everything ready for distribution.
On November 20, Epworth Methodist Church on Burchfield Road held a "Brown Bag" campaign to benefit the Bread of Life Food Pantry. Congregants were asked to provide basic need items to help families going through tough times.
A special blessing service was held prior to the goods being delivered to the pantry. The effort came at the perfect time for the pantry to provide for those facing food insecurity during the fall and winter holidays.
Thanks to all who contributed to both of these important collection events!